Wapiti installation

You do not have to "install" the software on your system to make it work.
If you have all the requirements on your system, just extract the tarball and launch the "wapiti" command line in
the "bin" folder :
./bin/wapiti (when you are in the extracted tarball)
python bin/wapiti (if your system can't execute the script directly)

Installation on Unix-like systems

If you really want to install Wapiti on your system, launch the setup.py script with the following command :
python setup.py install
It will copy the wapiti libraries (wapitiCore) in your Python installation and place the executables in a "bin" system
directory (eg: /usr/local/bin).

Using Wapiti on Windows systems

If you don't want to install all the requirements to use Wapiti on Windows you should look for a standalone package
made with py2exe (see the available downloads on SourceForge).
Then, just download and extract the zip archive and launch wapiti.exe from the Windows command line.

Installing Wapiti requirements on Windows

You can't install Wapiti on a Windows system but if (for some reasons) you really want to install all the
requirements then :

* Download a Python 2.7.5 (or more recent) installer for your platform from http://python.org/download/
* Install it and change the PATH environment variable to append the Python path
* Download a requests archive from http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/install/
* Extract the archive and call the setup.py script from the archive with "python setup.py install"
* Download BeautifulSoup 3 from http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
* Extract the archive and call the setup.py script from the archive with "python setup.py install"